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Nottingham Trent University (NTU) is delighted to invite Giorgio Sadotti to speak as part of the 2017 Fine Art Live Lecture Series.

(b.1955, Manchester) Sadotti lives and works in London. He gained his MFA at Syracuse University, Syracuse, New York, USA, 1981; MA Sculpture at Manchester Polytechnic, Manchester, Britain, 1978; BA Hons at Trent Polytechnic, Nottingham, Britain, 1977.

Sadotti will be exhibiting at Bonington Gallery from Friday 24 February until Friday 31 March 2017, in his current solo exhibition, SHAPELESS IMPACT NOT TIME SLOW IS (FLITS BY).

Recent and forthcoming solo exhibitions include:

Recent group exhibitions include:


The Fine Art Live Lecture Series is an initiative by Nottingham Trent University’s Fine Art course, whereby creative practitioners are invited to deliver a lecture to current students. The lectures are also open to staff, alumni and the general public.

The lectures take place during term-time only.

Here is a selection of photos of a workshop that was delivered by Giorgio Sadotti’s as part of Shapeless Impact Not Time Slow Is (Flits By).

To mark the opening of his solo exhibition here at the Gallery, Giorgio Sadotti led 80+ volunteers in an INAUGURATING INCANTATION. With the audience entering in silence and into near total darkness, the performance evoked the sense of a sort-of ritual taking place in a cave. Evidence of the performance has now been left in the space, creating an installation which will remain throughout the duration of the exhibition.

Just a few photos from the preview of Shapeless Impact Not Time Slow Is (Flits By) last week, following the INAUGURATING INCANTATION performance.

Thanks to all who came along to the preview, and special thanks to all the volunteers who took part in the performance. We couldn’t have done it without you!

Giorgio Sadotti will be giving a live lecture next week in Newton building’s lecture theatre (just across the road) – don’t miss it!

Mark Patterson reviews Giorgio Sadotti’s solo exhibition for the Nottingham Post’s Entertainment Guide. Featuring thoughts from Giorgio, the review also  includes more about the background and aims of the exhibition, as well as Giorgio’s time spent studying here at NTU.

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