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A + B = CC(an)

Future Factory, based within Nottingham Trent University, is delighted to preset A + B =CC(an) by Paul Matosic. The exhibition which takes place in Bonington Atrium, runs from 16 – 28 April.

The exhibition had been commissioned by Future Factory ad produced in response to the building of a new arts venue: Centre for Contemporary Art, Nottingham (CCAN)

Matosic’s exhibition incorporates a collection of discarded and mislaid objects that are assembled into a sculptural piece that could resemble a cityscape, and which is literally a snapshot of the waste produces by a consumerist society obsessed by the new. Taking the cultural residue of consumer society and re-presenting this is the gallery makes the comment on the process of regeneration.

Paul said:

“we live in a society that is dominated by a ‘NEW IS GOOD’ sensibility. Every which way we turn we are confronted with opportunities to by new stuff and in doing so dispose of some old stuff.
Actually look forward to the day when we run out of materials to use in my art because that will mean that society has stopped producing the vast amounts od wast that is the hallmark of consumerism.”

Paul Matosic