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An Action, Event or other thing that occurs or happens again

An action, event or other thing that occurs or happens again explores repetition as a tool for the manipulation and contour; of the masses. It considers the relationship between repetition, sound and the image. How sound activates text and how repetition of words actions can create a sense of familiarity or a relationship with something.

An action, event or other thing that occurs or happens again uses selected artworks, situations and conversation ot understand some of these thoughts and ideas.

Supported by Arts Council England, this exhibition has been produced by artist and NTU Fine Art graduate, Candice Jacobs. Bringing together works form fourteen different artists in three locations across the city: Trade Gallery, One Thorsby Street and The Bonington Gallery.

Artists exhibiting at The Bonington Gallery are: Athansios Argainas, Young Have Chang Heavy Industries, Candice Jacobs, Jack Strange and Mark Tichner.